Wednesday, November 13, 2013

PEI Guide for Parents: ‘Healthy’ for Kids to Masturbate, Touch Genitals of ‘Familiar Adults’

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, November 12, 2013 ( – A new guide from the government of P.E.I. is telling parents that it is “natural and healthy” for young children to “touch the ‘private parts’ of familiar adults” and to look at “nude pictures on the Internet, videos, magazines”. Parents are also being told that they should not discourage their children from masturbating.
“This is not only inappropriate, but destructive,” said Gwen Landolt, National Vice-President of REAL Women of Canada, to

The 7-page guide, titled “Children’s Sexual Behaviours: A Parent’s Guide”, put out by the Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee, provides a standard for what experts consider normal sexual behaviour in children from preschool to grade four.

"Natural and Healthy" behavours for children up to age five include:
- "Touches the 'private parts' of familiar adults and children with hand or body."
- "Puts something in own genitals or rectum one time for curiosity or exploration."
- “Plays ‘doctor’ inspecting others’ bodies, including ‘private parts .’”


This world is out of control. What are they going to tell us next?
El Greco

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