Saturday, November 30, 2013

Edmonton Police Blunder on Hijab

By Farzana Hassan, Toronto Sun

We seek to be “inclusive” of all cultures in Canada — even the ones that shun Canadian values and conspire to undermine its democracy and diversity.

The Edmonton police service has announced its decision to design a hijab, the Muslim head covering, as part of a Muslim woman’s police uniform.

Did someone actually move this in a meeting? Was it really seconded?
This will be a slicker version of the hijab, with snaps to undo it quickly, as if this is the only problem the hijab poses.

The real problem is not with the garb itself but what it represents. This accommodating move is designed to attract more Muslim women to the police force, but it conveys the impression the Edmonton police wish to attract only hijabi women.

They seem to think all Muslim women who join the force will want to wear the hijab.
It makes you wonder why the hijab has become so intricately linked to Muslim women that both must now apparently be acknowledged in the same breath?

Automatically associating the hijab with Muslim women stereotypes them.
It implies, at the very least, that only those who wear the hijab are authentic Muslims.
The Qu’ran does not mandate the hijab, so wearing it is an odd criterion for authenticity.
This unwittingly endorses a cultural practice that is actually steeped in patriarchy.

For those of that ilk, this latest round of exalting the hijab by giving it a prominent place in a Canadian police service counts as a victory.

The proposal has been made as a “gesture of inclusion,” says Scott McKeen, an Edmonton councillor, in response to the aspirations of a community who “can feel a little skittish at times” about Islamophobia.

Sadly, this attitude, however well-intentioned, plays into the hands of those Muslims who hold moderates in contempt.

The hijab brigade is busily trying to sell the idea the hijab is “liberating”.
This partly accounts for the hosannas greeting the decision of the Edmonton police service.
How lovely it is that Muslim women can “do everything” while being suitably attired!
They can be effective law enforcement agents and their hijabs need not hinder their movements.
Many hijab supporters would love to project that view and, by doing so, shrug off all criticism that the hijab is patriarchal.

Continued, here.

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