Friday, November 1, 2013

Report: Hezbollah Preparing for 'Battle for Damascus'

Hezbollah is enlisting 15,000 fighters for what it is calling the “battle for Damascus,” Reshet Bet reports. The report is based on information from sources in the Syrian opposition.
Hezbollah has been heavily involved in fighting alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad as he battles opposition groups.

Hezbollah recently claimed to have taken the decision to withdraw 1,200 of its troops from Syria and to focus on security in Lebanon, where the group’s strongholds have been targeted in terror attacks.
However, this latest reports suggests the purported withdrawal may have been a diversion aimed at lulling the group’s opponents in Syria into a false sense of security, as well as an attempt to offset growing dissent against the group back in Lebanon
Al-Arabiya reports that Hezbollah and other groups fighting with Assad have been tightening the siege on areas south of the Syrian capital. Fierce fighting has been reported in the region, and rebel groups have reported Hezbollah and Iraqi involvement.

Continued, here.

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