Monday, November 11, 2013

Microwave Pulse Gives Birth to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Hitting the Philippines! Weather Warfare in Action!

  • Satanic snakes screwing the sheeple, triggering earthquakes, typhoons and all types of ‘natural’ (ie. man made: HAARP) weather disaster.
  • Published on Nov  8, 2013        
    The worlds strongest storm in recorded history, Typhoon Haiyan (also named Yolanda), with sustained winds reaching 195mph — gusts up to 235mph.
    This massive storm originally began its rotation , was born out of a microwave anomaly in the West Pacific.  This video discusses the findings, and possible origin of the microwave pulse. Coming from where???!  US Airforce base near the location, the base is a satellite communications hub.
  • Matthew 24:22
    And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
  • “The Queen of England has been the leader of this policy! Saying the necessity is to reduce the human population on the planet from 7 billion people approximately to less than 1 (billion)! That’s her policy and she said it again and again and again! That’s the policy of her regime, the monarchy, is genocide!” - Quote Lyndon LaRouche  
  • “The British Crown is on record promoting a policy of mass population reduction from the current level of 7 billion people down to 1-2 billion.”- Quote
  •  Source

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