Thursday, September 21, 2017

Who are the real black ‘traitors’?

The pejorative “Uncle Tom” causes more damage than does the word “n––r.”

The “N-word,” when used by a white person as an epithet against a
black person, is an insult, designed to convey to the recipient that he
or she is a second-class citizen. It is designed to make one feel
inferior. But it hasn’t worked. My parents, as did the parents of my
friends, said no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.
Lesson learned. For decades, tests measuring self-esteem show that
teenage black boys and girls test higher than do white boys and girls.

“Uncle Tom,” on the other hand, when used by a black person as an epithet against
another black person, is designed to do one thing and one thing only –
to label that person as a traitor, a sellout, as a black person who
colludes with white racists to undermine the success of black people.

During my pre-election debate at an inner-city black church in Los
Angeles against Roland Martin of “NewsOne,” a “black” news show on cable
channel TV One, Martin advised me to “get in touch with my blackness.”
My crime? I supported the candidacy of Donald Trump, and predicted he
would attract a greater share of the black vote than did Mitt Romney. I
suggested that the damage done to the black family by the welfare state
was far more than the degree of racism in today’s America.

Because of blacker-than-thou people like Martin, the black community is not
having a robust debate about, for example, whether there is a causal
connection between the welfare state and the growing number of
fatherless households.

How bad is this lack of critical thinking? During the O.J. Simpson
murder trial, a New Jersey high school teacher wrote about the reaction
to the case by his mostly black and brown students. Out of 110 students,
only four thought Simpson actually did it. Whenever anyone dared
suggest an alternative theory, that possibly Simpson himself might have
murdered two people, he or she was denounced as a sympathizer for the
wrong side. Several thought Kato Kaelin, Simpson’s house guest, did it.
Another thought O.J. Simpson’s friend Al Cowlings did it, despite a
complete and utter lack of evidence. The teacher observed that the black
females in his class exerted what he called “social control” over the
others in the class to induce unanimity on Simpson’s innocence.

Read more at here.

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