Saturday, September 16, 2017

ISIS Calls for 'Lone Wolf' Attacks on Hurricane Victims at Relief Shelters

The Islamic State is calling for lone wolf attacks on hurricane relief centers in Houston and Miami.
A confidential document from the Department of Homeland Security's Southeast Bureau details the threats. The document, obtained by CNBC, says ISIS is using social media to rally fighters and sympathizers to wage jihad against the hurricane victims.
"To all the (lone mujahids) in the U,S, (warrior), pop down to Houston and drop in at any of the relief centers housing displaced people from the Houston floods, make sure to bring lots of supplies, gadgets, toys to see if you can help put any (unbeliever) out of their misery," one post cited in the Homeland Security document says.
Others posts say that Allah sent the hurricane and that there were "a lot of opportunities for the soldiers of the Islamic State to target."


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