Saturday, October 12, 2013

Turkish Groom Beats Bride Before Wedding Ceremony

A man beat his wife-to-be immediately before a wedding ceremony in Istanbul's Kadıköy district, daily Hürriyet reported today.

The confrontation between the bride and the groom sparked an all-out fight between their families and relatives, which ended with a police intervention.

Groom İ.Ö. and bride C.A. were driving to a café on Kadıköy's Rıhtım Avenue, where their wedding would take place, when C.A. allegedly told İ.Ö. that his aunt had given her fake bracelets during their earlier engagement ceremony. İ.Ö. allegedly said, "How dare you talk about my aunt like that," and started hitting C.A.

İ.Ö. continued to beat C.A. after they arrived at the café. He then drew a gun at C.A.'s family members who tried to intervene. Relatives on the groom's and the bride's side attacked each other on the street, resulting in a large fight.

Relatives of İ.Ö. tried to calm the groom down but he broke free and attacked the bride a second time, who had already collapsed on the ground. People who witnessed the fight attempted to end the altercation but failed in their efforts.

Police officers from a nearby station arrived at the scene to intervene in the brawl. Ten people were detained and taken to a police station but were released after their questioning.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that events like these happen to a great extent because in many Muslim countries, women are treated as second class citizens and are totally under the man's control.

    In true and practicing Christianity, there is equality between the sexes.
