Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Russian Lawmaker Wants to Take Children Away from Gay Parents

(Reuters) - A member of Russian President Vladimir Putin's ruling party tabled a draft law on Thursday to take children away from homosexual parents, adding to a raft of measures that rights activists say are undermining gay rights.

The draft law, which follows legislation banning gay "propaganda", would add homosexuality to a list of conditions including drug and child abuse that can lead to parents being stripped of custody over their children.

The proposal highlights the more socially hardline course that Putin has charted in his third presidential term as he seeks to boost support among conservative voters.

"In the case when a parent has sexual contact with people of their own gender, the damage that can be inflicted on the psyche of a child is enormous," Alexei Zhuravlyov, the author of the draft, wrote in submitting it to the Russian parliament's lower house, or Duma.

He said that between 5 and 7 percent of people across Russia were of "non-traditional" sexual orientation and that at least a third of those had children.


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