Friday, October 11, 2013

Syria: Christian Nun Claims Rebels, Not Assad, Set Off Chemical Weapons

A Syria-based nun has claimed that the chemical weapons attack in Syria in August was caused by rebel groups, contradicting claims by the United States and its allies that the attack was instigated by President Bashir Al-Assad.

Mother Superior Agnes Mariam de la Croix, a Lebanese nun who has lived in Syria for decades, released a report last month arguing that the chemical weapons video footage was manipulated to frame Assad's regime.

"Our study highlight without any doubt that [children's] little bodies were manipulated and disposed with theatrical arrangements to figure in the screening," stated the report.

"We accuse the editors of the video of artificial scenic treatment of what should have been honest information footage. The cynic manipulation of the little inanimate bodies, that seem to be under anesthesia, endangered the life of the children and raises in our minds the question of their safety and the real reason of death," the statement continued.

The report claims it has come to this conclusion based on evidence from screening 13 of the first 35 videos uploaded after the attacks............

See more, here.

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