It is truly remarkable how similar this time is to 1964 when Reagan made his famous “A Time for Choosing” speech. Although Barry Goldwater never became president, Reagan’s eloquent words and passion ignited a nation that was in despair. Today the same formula will not give us the same result, we are in need of regular Americans to fight for what is right. Thankfully the “anointed one” (Barack Obama) has shown his true colors and consequently America has been dragged into the worst economic downturn since the 1930s. Now that people are waking up to the fast moving train that is America’s march towards socialism, with Obama as socialist-in-chief. Rarely a day goes by without me hearing from someone how scared they are about our economic future and current global turmoil.
I understand and share your frustration. I truly fear for our North American society. America is the last stronghold for freedom or as Reagan commonly said that “Shining City on a Hill.” If America falls, then evil and unrighteousness will prevail around the world. I am afraid that one day my children will be forced to raise their families in a very different North America than the one you and I have enjoyed. I used to argue people who said that. I use to say, oh, come on, it’s not that bad, America is still the greatest nation on Earth…and I still believe they are…but not for long, not if the current course continues.
America is in crisis of the most severe kind, but people are so focused on the symptoms and are ignoring what the root of the problem is. This is not a crisis of economics, nor is it a political one; it is simply a crisis of leadership! We are so lacking, yet so eager for, principled, conviction-oriented, wise leadership. For too long Americans have sat back and watched the democratic and republican leaders slowly turn America away from the principles that shaped and made the nation great. And now in the last few years, the leaders of both parties have marched America towards socialism and the absolute ruin of such a great nation so fast that people are left wondering what has happened. People are in a state of shock, as the government has mortgaged the future generation’s well-being, throwing trillions at a shambled government that is absolutely incapable of solving any problems (even though they created most of them). Worse yet, the federal government has now dipped its nose in some of the largest private businesses and banks in America.
Socialism does not work; it never has, and clearly never will…it ALWAYS destroys a country or society. But the education system has failed Americans so miserably, that millions of Americans are embracing this “change” and cannot even grasp the consequences.
But this is no time to grab your guns and take refuge. It is time to acknowledge what lies ahead and what must be done if America is to be saved. Make no mistake; it is ordinary Americans who must do the saving. No presidential white knight, no democrat or republican will save the day. The responsibility does not lie with them; it lies with ordinary Americans, a.k.a. “We the People”. We human beings have been endowed by our Creator. We are the ones to whom the rights are bestowed and we are the ones that have to exercise them, we must stand and fight for it all and for our voices to be heard and our values counted.
This is the time to shake one another out of this slumber, to awaken the patriotism and duty that lies in us all. All is not lost…yet…but it surely will be unless you and I acknowledge the vulnerability of our freedom, cherish the duty that is entailed with freedom, and start utilizing the rights of free citizens.
So how do we get off of this path and save America? It’s actually not that complex, it’s really quite simple…it’s not glamorous, maybe not even exciting…but it works in all situations.
Just showing up and voting in November is not enough (though most won’t even do that). Americans must raise their level of involvement; it has to be citizens who are influencing this process, before the choice is made in the elections.
First, I must pose arguments to two common myths most people learn in high school:
1) Do not fall into the allusion that the representative form government is just good, honest people throwing their names on the ballot sheet and us all showing up to pick the best candidate. The best candidate usually does NOT prevail…the winner will in all instances be the one who has the best influence the process, or whose campaigners best work the process.
2) The leaders from both parties generally are not the ones that have the support of the majority of Americans, but more often those who are supported by a majority of those who actually voted!
It is not complicated and truthfully not even that difficult. To save America it will require Americans to consistently do their duty, while encourage others at the same time. Let’s hope that this last period is but an ash on a heap of America’s history. I pray that these days can be remembered as the dark days that helped America steer itself back to the glory and honour that the founders envisioned.
As Canadians we have to support a strong, prosperous America. It suits our best interest and will raise the standard for our country as well. I understand it is difficult to support a political race that you cannot vote in, but please at least be informed and let your voice be heard through any means available. Think of how much the last few presidents have shaped the world we live in, thus, it would be naive to think that the next one will not have the same type of influence. For the sake of freedom and prosperity, let’s hope our brothers and sisters in America have awakened and are ready to restore their nation to greatness!
As Canadians we have to support a strong, prosperous America. It suits our best interest and will raise the standard for our country as well. I understand it is difficult to support a political race that you cannot vote in, but please at least be informed and let your voice be heard through any means available. Think of how much the last few presidents have shaped the world we live in, thus, it would be naive to think that the next one will not have the same type of influence. For the sake of freedom and prosperity, let’s hope our brothers and sisters in America have awakened and are ready to restore their nation to greatness!
(P.S. Support Keystone XL, beyond the economic growth, it will also keep our precious oil out of the hands of China. Plus our property values will increase!)
Fantastic article and great insight