Friday, August 31, 2012

Obama Has "Thrown Israel Under The Bus"?

"Every American is less secure today because [President Obama] has failed to slow Iran’s nuclear threat,” Mitt Romney charged in his acceptance speech late Thursday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
“In his first TV interview as president, he said we should talk to Iran,” Romney continued. “We are still talking, and Iran’s centrifuges are still spinning.”

Romney also repeated his previous concerns over Obama’s treatment of Israel.
“President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus, even as he has relaxed sanctions on Castro’s Cuba. He abandoned our friends in Poland by walking away from missile defense commitments, but he’s eager to give Russia’s president Putin the flexibility he desires after the election,” he said to a background noise of loud “boos” from the convention attendees.
“Under my presidency,” Romney promised, “our friends will see more loyalty and Mr. Putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone.”

Throughout this week, Republican speakers at the RNC blasted Obama’s foreign policy, charging that American power abroad is in decline because of it.
The critique of the incumbent Democratic president’s policies garnered brief mentions in the speeches of Paul Ryan and Condoleezza Rice, and considerably more than a mention in the speech of 2008

Former Republican Presidential candidate, Senator John McCain,  also, stated:          
“Instead of managing American decline, leaving allies to doubt us and adversaries to test us,” as the Obama administration has done, “we will act in the conviction that the United States is still the greatest force for peace and liberty that this world has ever known,” vice presidential candidate Ryan said to eager applause Wednesday night.
Former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice addresses the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (photo credit: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)“Dictators in Iran and Syria butcher their people and threaten regional security, Russia and China prevent a response, and everyone asks, ‘Where does America stand?’” declared former Bush Jr. secretary of state Rice, also Wednesday.

“You see, when friends or foes alike don’t know the answer to that question, unambiguously and clearly, the world is likely to be a more dangerous and chaotic place,” she said, adding that “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand this reality.
“From Israel to Colombia, from Poland to the Philippines, our allies and friends have to know that we will be reliable and consistent and determined,” Rice told the delegates.

McCain used much of his speech to argue “what Mitt Romney knows, and what we know – that our success at home also depends on our leadership in the world.
“We are now being tested by an array of threats that are more complex, more numerous and just as deadly as any I can recall in my lifetime,” said the decorated Vietnam veteran, father of serving US soldiers, and scion to Navy admirals.
He then echoed Ryan’s “decline” comment, saying, “We can choose to follow a declining path, toward a future that is dimmer and more dangerous than our past, or we can choose to reform our failing government, revitalize our ailing economy and renew the foundations of our power and leadership in the world.

“Unfortunately, for four years, we’ve drifted away from our proudest traditions of global leadership – traditions that are truly bipartisan…. We can’t afford to cause our friends and allies – from Latin America to Asia, Europe to the Middle East, and especially in Israel, a nation under existential threat – to doubt America’s leadership.
“We can’t afford to give governments in Russia and China a veto over how we defend our interests and the progress of our values in the world.”
Both Rice and McCain referenced Obama’s alleged “leading from behind” leadership style, a phrase attributed by the New Yorker to an anonymous administration official discussing Obama’s policies in Libya that has earned the status of an epithet in conservative circles.
[As reported in The Times of Israel ]

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pakistan Court Delays Blasphemy Case Hearing

The bail hearing of a Pakistani Christian girl accused of blasphemy has been delayed after a lawyer questioned a medical report putting the girl's age at 14, suggesting the government had tried to influence it.
The challenge on Thursday quashed the possibility that the controversy surrounding the case of Rimsha Masih would be swiftly defused and the girl set free.

Masih is due to appear in court within the next 10 days. She could be formally charged with blasphemy.
The case has focused attention on Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws that can result in life in prison or even death.

President Asif Ali Zardari told officials to produce a report on the arrest after it brought protests from human rights agencies, including Amnesty International and the British-based Christian group Barnabas Fund.

Christians in Masih's Islamabad neighbourhood left the area en masse as soon as the accusations surfaced, fearing retribution from their Muslim neighbours as the case has inflamed religious tensions in Pakistan.

Questions have been raised about her age, whether she is mentally impaired, what exactly she was burning and why.

Mental state
A medical report submitted on Tuesday put Masih's age at 14, which would have moved the case to the more lenient juvenile justice system.

It said her mental state was even less thathat of a 14-year-old, which raised questions about whether she had the capacity to understand her actions.
But a lawyer representing a man who is accusing Masih of burning the Quran, challenged the validity of the report in a court hearing in Islamabad.
Rao Abdur Raheem said the report was ordered by a senior city official and completed even before the judge himself ordered it to be carried out.
Saying the process was "unduly favouring the accused", he asked the judge to reject it.
Speaking after the hearing, Abdur Raheem said supporters of the victim were trying to turn this case into an international issue along the lines of Asia Bibi.
The case of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death in 2010 for insulting Islam, gathered massive international attention and criticism for Pakistan's tough anti-blasphemy laws.

Sentiments of Muslims
Abdur Raheem claimed that Masih had confessed to burning part of a Quran and said he would seek the maximum punishment.
He said no one should be allowed to hurt the sentiments of Muslims by desecrating their holy book or by insulting their religious personalities.
"If you burn me, I will forgive you, but if you burn our Quran, then I will fight a legal battle to seek maximum punishment for anyone doing this act," he said.
"We will not accept any such thing."

Under the Pakistani legal system, everyday citizens can bring a court case against someone simply by hiring a lawyer.
A state prosecutor was also in the courtroom, as were two defence lawyers for the girl, but the proceeding was dominated by Abdur Raheem.
Critics of Pakistan's blasphemy laws say they can be used to settle vendettas or seek retribution. Many of Pakistan's minorities, including Christians, live in fear of being accused of blasphemy.

No protection
A neighbour of Masih named Tasleem said her daughter saw her throwing away rubbish that included the burned religious material.
Christians, who make up four per cent of Pakistan's population of 180 million, have been especially concerned about the blasphemy law, saying it offers them no protection.
They say convictions hinge on witness testimony and are often linked to vendettas.
In 2009, 40 houses and a church were set ablaze by a mob of 1,000 Muslims in the town of Gojra, in Punjab province. At least seven Christians were burned to death.
The attacks were triggered by reports of the desecration of the Quran.
Two Christian brothers accused of writing a blasphemous letter against the Prophet Muhammad were shot dead outside a court in the eastern city of Faisalabad in July of 2010.

Source: Al Jazeera and Its Agencies

Movies Predict Republican Victory In 2012?

As Republicans gathered for their convention in Tampa, Fla., liberals in Hollywood were stunned this weekend by the success of conservative pundit Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary, “2016: Obama’s America” attacking the leftist roots of Democrat President Obama’s Anti-American political ideology.
“Obama’s America” came in Number 8 at the box office this weekend, but led the way among the Top 20 Movies with a per-screen average of $5,718.

“The success of Dinesh’s movie doesn’t surprise Movieguide®,” said Dr. Ted Baehr, publisher of the family guide to movies and entertainment. “Each year we do a study of the political content in the major movies released, and every year, conservative movies with strong Pro-American, patriotic, conservative, anti-socialist, and pro-capitalist content and values earn far more money than liberal movies with strong Anti-American, pro-socialist, anti-capitalist content.”
For example, in 2011, Movieguide® counted 91 instances of strong conservative content in movies and 105 instances of strong liberal content. The conservative content averaged $59 million in the United States and Canada, but the liberal content averaged less than $10.7 million.

“Dinesh’s movie also is one of the most entertaining, insightful conservative documentaries ever produced,” Dr. Baehr added, “which makes its success even more assured.”
Dr. Baehr pointed out that people shouldn’t be surprised at these box office figures because, according to Gallup last November, 42% of Americans consider themselves conservative but only 21% of Americans consider themselves liberal.

For its 2011 survey, Movieguide® counted such movies as “Captain America,” “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol,” “Battle: Los Angeles,” “Hugo,” “Coriolanus,” “Reel Steal,” “Mars Needs Moms,” and “Atlas Shrugged” as having at least some strong Pro-American, patriotic, or other conservative content. Movies like “X-Men: First Class,” “Super 8,” “The Ides of March,” “Red State,” “Beginners,” “Bad Teacher,” and “Happy Feet Two” were deemed to have at least some strong Anti-American, anti-patriotic, or liberal content.

Dr. Baehr noted that the two top blockbuster movies at the box office this year, “The Avengers” and “The Dark Knight Rises,” had strong conservative, patriotic, anti-socialist, and/or pro-capitalist content.
Dr. Baehr is chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission® (CFTVC) ministry and director of its family guide to movies and entertainment, Movieguide® ( CFTVC and Movieguide® are an international non-profit ministry, advocacy group, and watchdog dedicated to “redeeming the values of the entertainment industry by influencing industry executives and by informing and equipping the public about the influence of the entertainment media.”

The New York Times has called Movieguide® the “most conservative” review website. Each year, Movieguide® analyzes the box office success and failure of different kinds of content in movies. Year in and year out, its study shows that family-friendly movies with Christian, biblical, conservative values and with no foul language, graphic violence, and explicit sex or nudity make the most money by significant margins.


The Gay Protest That Encountered The Love of God

By Michael Brown

Last week, Scott Volk, one of the pastoral leaders at FIRE Church, my home congregation, received a call from the local police informing him that there would be a gay protest outside our building on Sunday morning.

The leader of the protest announced on Facebook, “We will meet just before service begins, and protest as they gather, we will have a silent protest as service is going and let them have it as they leave for the day. Remember we will be peaceful and respectful, something they don’t understand. We are going to STAND TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY to show that our love is stronger than their hate.”
In response, I wrote on my blog: “On behalf of FIRE Church, I want to extend to you the warmest welcome and let you know that we are thrilled that you are here with us on Sunday. We have been praying for you for a long time!

“As always, you will only meet with love, kindness, and respect from the FIRE leadership and congregants, and we proclaim to you once again the amazing grace of God. Jesus died to save us from our sins, heterosexual and homosexual alike, and only in Him can we find forgiveness, redemption, and transformation. Jesus alone is the Healer, Savior, Deliverer, and Transformer.”

On my radio show, I also encouraged them to come in good numbers so we could greet them, and Scott posted a note on Q-Notes, a local gay website that had announced the protest, saying, “As the pastor of FIRE Church, I just want you to know that you’ll be greeted with the same love and compassion as we always endeavor to show anyone--you are more-than-welcome! You make mention of the ‘hate’ that we show. Yet, in all our years here we’ve only desired to reach out with love to everyone in the local community here whether they are labeled as gay or straight. Hopefully, you’ll see that love demonstrated on Sunday as you protest.”

Not surprisingly, given the suspicion, and misunderstanding that exists, Scott’s gracious invitation drew some hostile responses:
David: “Love is the most disfigured mask that hate wears.”
Sue: “If what you think is reaching out in love is perceived as hateful attack, perhaps you should reconsider your actions.”
David: “You can fool yourself, Mr. Volk. You can fool your parishioners. But you can’t fool God. He knows what’s in your heart, and it isn’t love. It’s hate.”
Tom: “What these fire church people probably don’t understand is that spending an eternity ANYWHERE with them is what I would consider a true HELL. They should concern themselves with their own pathetic lives and leave other alone to theirs ...”

Scott responded by inviting them to his home for dinner to spend a night with him and his family. And he explained that, “to call someone hateful without ever meeting them, seeing them, or hearing them speak, is an indication of a heart that needs love. I make myself available.”
On Sunday morning, Aug. 26th, about 10 protesters showed up (we were disappointed there were so few) and some of our FIRE leaders met with them, offering them water and snacks, sharing God’s love and truth with them, and then inviting them to join us in the service.

After a few minutes they left, explaining that we were too nice and loving to deserve a protest!
Bear in mind that these protesters know the stands we have taken for biblical values and some of them have listened to my radio broadcasts or read my writings, so they recognize how strongly we differ with them on many key issues. Yet they also recognized our genuine love for them and saw that we were not full of hate. The love of Jesus, flowing out of Spirit-filled, godly hearts, makes an impact that cannot be denied.

Scott shared this good news on the Q-Notes website, along with the invitation to those calling us hateful to join him for dinner at his house. In response Spydre wrote, “I want to hear more about this Jesus,” and Jaybea commented, “Even I would be welcome there? It would be an honor to meet Scott Volk and Dr. Brown. I’m beginning to see light as very attractive.” How amazing!

The next day, Monday, Aug. 27th, the leader of the protest called into my radio show to apologize publicly for the protest, explaining that their “anger  ... was aimed [in] the wrong direction.” And then he said these words: “Once we got there Sunday morning we were greeted with absolutely perfect love. I mean, it was fantastic.” Praise God!

After the broadcast, we exchanged contact information and are looking forward to sharing a meal together and, more importantly, candidly sharing our hearts. This is genuinely good news.
When the Lord called me to get involved with homosexual issues eight years ago, He said to me, “Reach out and resist,” meaning, “reach out” to the people with compassion and “resist” the activist agenda with courage.
Is it possible to do both? By God’s grace, the answer is yes, and in the end, love never fails.

Michael Brown is the author of The Real Kosher Jesus and the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience.

Source, here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani to Face New Charges in Iran

 A 35-year-old Christian pastor, who has spent nearly three years behind bars in Iran and has been sentenced to death for refusing to renounce his faith, has been ordered to appear in court next month, where he is expected to face new charges.
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani faces new charges
According to the Farsi Christian News Network ( the charges of “banditry and extortion” will replace “apostasy” for Youcef Nadarkhani.
“The new leveled charges raise concern that following widespread international criticism about the ruling issued for Mr. Nadarkhani, Iranian authorities wish to influence the case process by bringing up arbitrary charges. The new trial adds to these concerns,” said a spokesperson for FCCN.

The news service went on to quote the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, which said that Pastor Youcef will be put on a new trial on Monday, August 27. Nadarkhani, who refused to repent from being a Christian in earlier judicial proceedings and faces a death sentence, is now facing these new charges of “banditry and extortion.” The Christian pastor’s earlier charges were “apostasy” and “converting to Christianity,” but the new charges of “banditry and extortion” were first mentioned last year on the Fars News Agency (

  FCCN said that a source close to the case of Youcef Nadarkhani “who wishes to remain anonymous on security grounds” told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that, “Mr. Nadarkhani’s ‘banditry’ charges are fundamentally meaningless; he is not a thief or a bandit. This is a new accusation leveled against him for unknown reasons.” Youcef Nadarkhani was born to Muslim parents and converted to Christianity at the age of 19. Nadarkhani’s death sentence on charges of apostasy was upheld by Branch 11 of Gilan Province’s Appeals Court on August 23, 2010. On June 28, 2011, Iran’s Supreme Court overturned the ruling, but made the decision conditional on Nadarkhani’s repentance. There were three court sessions between September 25 and September 28, 2011 in which Youcef Nadarkhani was asked to repent and he refused.

Nadarkhani is currently in detention inside Rasht Prison. On September 30, 2011, the charge of “extortion” was mentioned for the first time on an Iranian website in a news article about Nadarkhani. The article claimed that Youcef Nadarkhani is accused of rape and repeated extortion. “Youcef Nadarkhani has [committed] security crimes and had set up a house of corruption. This individual is a criminal and his crime is not inviting some to the religion of Christianity, but he has security crimes. Nadarkhani’s death sentence has been issued for security crimes,” it quoted Gholamali Rezvani, Deputy Governor of Gilan for Security.   Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, Nadarkhani’s lawyer, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran at the time, “If he is under trial in another court on other charges, I am not aware. But we only defended him against the death sentence in the case of his charge of apostasy. The charge the court staff announced that I defended during several different court sessions was apostasy and no other charge.” “The new leveled charges raise concern that following widespread international criticism about the ruling issued for Mr. Nadarkhani, Iranian authorities wish to influence the case process by bringing up arbitrary charges. The new trial adds to these concerns,” said the FCCN spokesperson.

In his interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran today, the source referred to evidence in Youcef Nadarkhani’s case. “In his defense documents, there is a hand-written letter from the late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, in which he explicitly wrote about Youcef Nadarkhani that he “must not be executed”. His lawyer, Mr. Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, presented this note as evidence in the case, as well as other legal reasoning why he should not be executed,” said the source. “We are sure that Youcef Nadarkhani will be exonerated and released, because so far as we have seen, even the Chief Justice does not believe in his execution, and it is only the Judge who keeps insisting on it,” the source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.  [ From Assist News Service ]

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Turkish Planes Bombard And Kill 6,000... Chickens in Northern Iraq

As it was reported in the official website of the Kurdish Area of Northern Iraq, 6,000 chickens belonging to a civilian have been killed because of shelling by Turkish planes on Kurdish border villages.

Kwestan Ahmed said Turkish planes shelled Qandil Mountains last night. Some 6,000 birds were killed in a poultry field in the attack and the remaining birds, more than likely, will not survive.

The poultry field is located between Sele and Duwele villages near Sangasar district. Fortunately the owner of the field survived the attack.

Firat news agency, which is close to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, said Monday that the residents of Qandil area in the Kurdistan Region strongly criticize the recent Turkish shelling .

Israel To Attack Iran After Jewish Holidays ?

Iran is burrowing under mountains at the Fordo sight, near the city of Qom, to render its nuclear facilities immune to Israeli air strikes. It is approaching a “zone of immunity“, in which Israel will no longer be able to stop Iran‘s nuclear program. Israel’s T.V. Channel 10 suggests Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “determined to attack Iran before the US elections” and that the “time for action is getting closer.” The TV station’s military reporter, Alon Ben-David, reports that Israeli Prime Minister believes sanctions against Iran have failed to force a suspension of the Iranian nuclear program.

It appears Netanyahu will wait until after the Jewish Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the Week of Sukkoth, which ends on the night of the 7th of October. The Israeli Prime Minister is tentatively scheduled to speak before the United Nations General Assembly, the day after Yom Kippur. He purportedly plans to ask the United Nations to condemn Iran’s nuclear enrichment program, and its anti-Semitism against the nation of Israel. President Obama has requested to meet with Netanyahu, on September 28, and convince him not to attack Iran, until after the U.S. presidential election in November. Netanyahu is willing to meet the President, but would also meet with Governor Mitt Romney.

If President Obama can not convince Netanyahu not to attack Iran, Israel would probably attack on October 8th, after the conclusion of the Jewish holidays, or on October 15th, under the cover of a dark moon. Many believe Israel planes will use Azerbaijan airfields to service fighter-bombers and as a base for helicopter rescue.

There is some speculation the Israelis are using the leverage of the US presidential election to seek an explicit statement from President Obama that the United States would launch its own attack as early as next year, and force the Obama administration into a sharper red line and a more declarative statement about the use of force. However, there is no guarantee President Obama will be re-elected, or could be trusted to fulfill any commitment.

While President Obama has stated he does not believe Iran and Venezuela are a threat to the United States, he seems oblivious to the fact Iran is constructing missile silos in Venezuela, which will be in range of Florida. In addition the Fifth Fleet of the U.S. Navy, stationed in Bahrain, is within reach of Iranian missiles. If Iran tips their missiles with nuclear weapons, they will become a threat to the United States. An Iranian oil tanker off the East Coast could also launch a missile capable of striking the White House.

King Solomon wisely said, “Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord… Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. ” (Proverbs 16: 5 &18). “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. But fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7).

If Israel makes a strike before the election, President Obama is much less likely to condemn Israel. However, the quandary for Netanyahu and American conservatives, who do not want President Obama to be elected, will an “October surprise” help Obama win the election? Historically speaking, sitting presidents have an advantage during a worldwide military crisis’s. Most Americans will have no problem with Israel defending itself. However, will they be willing to change horses in the middle of an international crisis? The likelihood of an attack is growing. The timing is nearly predictable. If the price of crude oil on the world markets skyrockets weeks before the presidential election, and the US Navy experiences major set backs, will this doom an Obama re-election or cause him to be re-elected? Only God knows.
[ Sources: Balkan Periscope and ]

More Sad News From Aleppo

Source AFP: The Melkite Greek Catholic archbishop of Aleppo has fled to Lebanon and his offices in the war-ravaged city have been looted, Vatican media said on Monday, amid fears over the fate of Christian minorities.
Vatican radio and the missionary news agency Fides said Jean-Clement Jeanbart initially sought refuge with some Franciscan friars in the city on Thursday last week as fighting intensified in Christian quarters of Aleppo.
Within a few hours the archdiocese had been ransacked by “unidentified groups who want to start a religious war and drag the Syrian people into a sectarian conflict,” a source in the local Christian community told Fides.
The doors of the archdiocese had been forced open and several objects like computers stolen, the reports said. Jeanbart has since fled to Lebanon.
The Melkites are an Eastern Catholic Church in full communion with the Vatican.
The reports also said the Maronite archdiocese in Aleppo and the Byzantine Christian museum of Maarrat Nahman in the city had also been damaged.
Jeanbart told Vatican radio that he was concerned about the presence of foreign fighters in the country and “organizations to find jihadists.”
“That is why there are fundamentalists coming from Libya, Jordan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Turkey and many other countries,” he said.

Many members of Syria’s Christian clergy have been supportive of Assad, a member of the minority Alawite community, because of concerns that Islamists could take power in the multi-faith country.
Around 7.5 percent of Syria’s 20 million inhabitants are Christian. [ Source ]

Monday, August 27, 2012

Syria: Obama Supports The Pro-Islamist Syrian Opposition And The Duplicity Of Turkey

The demise of Hosni Mubarak which was welcomed by President Obama remains to be a constant theme within the Obama administration towards other secular leaders. This applies to welcoming the demise of more liberal forces which have been replaced by the “radical Sunni Islamic Arab Spring.” Therefore, when Obama met the ruler of Saudi Arabia and bowed down to him, it now fits in well within the jigsaw of his policies in the Middle East.

After all, the leader of America knows full well that the majority of individuals who did September 11 were Saudi nationals. Obama also knows clearly that all apostates face death in Saudi Arabia and that women aren’t even allowed to drive cars because it is deemed un-Islamic – and other brutal realities which apply to this most draconian nation. This, however, didn’t concern Obama just like it never concerned past leaders of America and other powerful international nations. However, in the field of international relations then America and the United Kingdom often do the bidding of this nation and this can be seen by recent events during the “radical Sunni Islamic Arab Spring.”

It is also ironic that Obama and the leader of Afghanistan, yes, another nation supported by America and the United Kingdom which supports killing apostates and enslaving women; is open to dialogue with the Taliban. However, in Syria where Christian churches can be found throughout the country and where women can cover-up or dress how they like; then Obama is insistent on no dialogue and political negotiations. This seems to imply that the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad is guilty for protecting all religious minorities and supporting the role of women in society. Meanwhile, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia can support crushing religious freedom and the rights of women – and Obama is even open to talks with the Taliban which protected Al Qaeda. Surely, this is strange logic from a so-called democratic leader?

Therefore, why is Obama open to political negotiations with the Taliban which have done countless crimes against humanity, including stoning women to death, killing tens of thousands of Shia Muslims, and so forth? Yet, when it comes to Syria which is multi-ethnic and multi-religious and secular – then Obama is insistent on supporting an opposition which isn’t unified and whereby radical Sunni Islamists are waiting in the wings in order to take power.

Obama who supported the people of Homs is the same American leader who remains quiet when 90% of Christians have been forced to leave this city in order to escape Sunni Islamic terrorism. Therefore, Obama by his silence about the ethnic cleansing of Christians in Homs, by the “beloved” opposition he supports, is highlighting the duplicity of America in spreading Sunni Islamic terrorism in Syria. This is despite the fact that thousands of American soldiers were killed by the same Islamists in Afghanistan and Iraq – and the same ratlines which lead back to September 11 and Saudi Arabia remain open.

Indeed, it is astonishing that the leader of America isn’t concerned by the fact that the same Sunni Islamic terrorists who fought against American forces in Iraq; are now the same forces which are persecuting all moderates in Syria. How can a political leader of a nation support a movement which was responsible for inflicting so much carnage on American forces? This should be scandalous but instead little is said about this policy because no security analyst can dispute that many Sunni Islamic terrorists who were based in Iraq have now moved to Syria and are part of the terrorist opposition.

Continued here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Germany's Finance Minister: No Time Extension For Greek Reforms

(Reuters) – Germany’s finance minister reaffirmed on Saturday his opposition to giving Greece more time to carry out promised reforms, a day after Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras pleaded in Berlin for “more air” to implement the painful measures.

“More time generally means more money and that very soon means a new (bailout) program,” Wolfgang Schaeuble told the Tagesspiegel on Sunday newspaper, according to advance excerpts of an interview.
“That would not be the right way to solve the fundamental problems of the euro zone,” added Schaeuble, noting that the current bailout program agreed at the end of 2011 totaling 130 billion euros is meant to run for three years.
“If after just half a year that were no longer to be sufficient, that would not be a confidence-building measure.”
On Friday, Samaras told German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a one-day visit to Berlin that Greece needed more time, not more cash, to meet the terms of its bailout programme.
Merkel said she wanted Greece to stay in the euro zone but gave no sign of agreeing to his request.
She also said the euro zone must await a report from the ‘troika’ of international lenders due in October before taking further decisions on Greece – a view reiterated on Saturday by French President Francois Hollande after his talks in Paris with Samaras.
Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, has grown increasingly impatient with Greece’s failure to carry out reforms demanded in return for loans to stave off bankruptcy.

But a leading member of Merkel’s centre-right Christian Democrats, Armin Laschet, said the question of whether Greece stayed in the euro zone carried wider implications beyond the purely economic assessment being prepared by the troika.

“(An exit) could lead to instability in a NATO member state. Russia is standing ready with billions to help Greece in such a scenario… Much more is at stake here than just the question of whether Greece meets the criteria (of its bailout),” he told Reuters in comments authorised for publication on Saturday.
Laschet criticized politicians within Germany’s centre-right coalition, including Economy Minister Philipp Roesler, leader of the pro-market Free Democrats, for publicly raising the possibility of Greece leaving the euro zone.
[Source, here.]

Syra Accused of "Massacre" Near Damascus

Several hundred bodies have been found in a town near Damascus after a ferocious assault by the Syrian army, according to a watchdog group, as activists accused government forces of a gruesome "massacre".
A grisly video issued by the opposition showed bodies piled up wall-to-wall in a mosque complex in Daraya after a massive offensive by troops battling to crush insurgents who have regrouped in the outskirts of the capital.

At least 320 corpses were found on Saturday and Sunday, the victims of a five-day onslaught by the army on rebel fighters in Daraya, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
The Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC), a network of activists on the ground in Syria, described it as a "massacre" by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and said people in Daraya had been summarily executed and their bodies burned.
Human rights groups have accused the regime of committing many atrocities since the uprising against Assad's government first erupted in March last year, and a UN panel said earlier this month it was guilty of crimes against humanity.
'Odious massacre'
Ant-government fighters issued a video on YouTube entitled "Massacre at the Abu Sleiman Addarani Mosque in Daraya" showing dozens of bodies lined up in dimly lit rooms.
"An odious massacre committed by the gangs of the Assad regime in the Abu Sleiman Addarani Mosque.
Al Jazeera reports on the alleged massacre in Daraya
More than 150 innocent martyrs fell in a brutal campaign by the criminal gangs against the city," said the commentary with the video, whose authenticity could not be verified.
State television said Daraya, a mainly Sunni Muslim town of some 200,000 people, was being "purified of terrorist remnants".
Anti-government activists said that many of the bodies showed evidence of having been shot by snipers, while others appeared to have been shot at close range.
They said that the army had killed the people "execution-style" in house-to-house raids.
Abu Kinan, an activist in Daraya, told Reuters news agency that he had witnessed the death of an eight-year-old girl, Asma Abu al-Laban, who was shot by army snipers while she was in a car with her parents.
UN investigators said in a report this month that both sides in the conflict had performed summary executions - a war crime - but that Assad's troops and militia loyal to the president had committed many more offences than the rebels.
Violence across country
The LCC said on Saturday that more than 400 people had been killed in violence across Syria on Saturday, primarily in Damascus and its environs.
It also reported deaths in Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor, Idlib, Deraa, Hama and Homs provinces.

In-depth coverage of escalating violence across Syria
Tanks deployed on the Damascus ring-road shelled the southern neighbourhoods of al-Lawwan and Nahr Aisheh late into Saturday night and fighting raged in the eastern Ghouta suburbs of the capital, residents said.
The Syrian army retook Daraya, one of many towns that surround Damascus, on Saturday, after three days of heavy bombardment, opposition activists said.
Combat helicopters and tanks also pounded rebel-held areas of the battered northern city of Aleppo, an AFP journalist and monitors said, as the army pressed on with its war against fighters there.
The UN estimates that more than 18,000 people have been killed since the uprising against Assad's government began in March 2011.
The conflict, which began as a series of peaceful protests, has turned into an armed rebellion that has forced more than 200,000 Syrians to flee the violence, and resulted in spillover into neighbouring countries.
On Saturday, a Lebanese man who had been abducted with a group of 10 other pilgrims in Syria in May was released and arrived home.
He had been kidnapped by armed members of the opposition, who said his release was a "goodwill gesture".

Source : Al Jazeera

A Time For Choosing

It  is truly remarkable how similar this time is to 1964 when Reagan made his famous “A Time for Choosing” speech. Although Barry Goldwater never became president, Reagan’s eloquent words and passion ignited a nation that was in despair. Today the same formula will not give us the same result, we are in need of regular Americans to fight for what is right. Thankfully the “anointed one” (Barack Obama) has shown his true colors and consequently America has been dragged into the worst economic downturn since the 1930s. Now that people are waking up to the fast moving train that is America’s march towards socialism, with Obama as socialist-in-chief. Rarely a day goes by without me hearing from someone how scared they are about our economic future and current global turmoil.
I understand and share your frustration. I truly fear for our North American society. America is the last stronghold for freedom or as Reagan commonly said that “Shining City on a Hill.” If America falls, then evil and unrighteousness will prevail around the world.  I am afraid that one day my children will be forced to raise their families in a very different North America than the one you and I have enjoyed. I used to argue people who said that. I use to say, oh, come on, it’s not that bad, America is still the greatest nation on Earth…and I still believe they are…but not for long, not if the current course continues.
America is in crisis of the most severe kind, but people are so focused on the symptoms and are ignoring what the root of the problem is. This is not a crisis of economics, nor is it a political one; it is simply a crisis of leadership!  We are so lacking, yet so eager for, principled, conviction-oriented, wise leadership. For too long Americans have sat back and watched the democratic and republican leaders slowly turn America away from the principles that shaped and made the nation great. And now in the last few years, the leaders of both parties have marched America towards socialism and the absolute ruin of such a great nation so fast that people are left wondering what has happened. People are in a state of shock, as the government has mortgaged the future generation’s well-being, throwing trillions at a shambled government that is absolutely incapable of solving any problems (even though they created most of them). Worse yet, the federal government has now dipped its nose in some of the largest private businesses and banks in America.
Socialism does not work; it never has, and clearly never will…it ALWAYS destroys a country or society. But the education system has failed Americans so miserably, that millions of Americans are embracing this “change” and cannot even grasp the consequences.
But this is no time to grab your guns and take refuge. It is time to acknowledge what lies ahead and what must be done if America is to be saved.  Make no mistake; it is ordinary Americans who must do the saving. No presidential white knight, no democrat or republican will save the day. The responsibility does not lie with them; it lies with ordinary Americans, a.k.a. “We the People”.  We human beings have been endowed by our Creator. We are the ones to whom the rights are bestowed and we are the ones that have to exercise them, we must stand and fight for it all and for our voices to be heard and our values counted.
This is the time to shake one another out of this slumber, to awaken the patriotism and duty that lies in us all. All is not lost…yet…but it surely will be unless you and I acknowledge the vulnerability of our freedom, cherish the duty that is entailed with freedom, and start utilizing the rights of free citizens.
So how do we get off of this path and save America? It’s actually not that complex, it’s really quite simple…it’s not glamorous, maybe not even exciting…but it works in all situations.
Just showing up and voting in November is not enough (though most won’t even do that). Americans must raise their level of involvement; it has to be citizens who are influencing this process, before the choice is made in the elections.
First, I must pose arguments to two common myths most people learn in high school:
1)     Do not fall into the allusion that the representative form government is just good, honest people throwing their names on the ballot sheet and us all showing up to pick the best candidate. The best candidate usually does NOT prevail…the winner will in all instances be the one who has the best influence the process, or whose campaigners best work the process.
2)     The leaders from both parties generally are not the ones that have the support of the majority of Americans, but more often those who are supported by a majority of those who actually voted!
It is not complicated and truthfully not even that difficult. To save America it will require Americans to consistently do their duty, while encourage others at the same time. Let’s hope that this last period is but an ash on a heap of America’s history. I pray that these days can be remembered as the dark days that helped America steer itself back to the glory and honour that the founders envisioned.

As Canadians we have to support a strong, prosperous America. It suits our best interest and will raise the standard for our country as well. I understand it is difficult to support a political race that you cannot vote in, but please at least be informed and let your voice be heard through any means available. Think of how much the last few presidents have shaped the world we live in, thus, it would be naive to think that the next one will not have the same type of influence. For the sake of freedom and prosperity, let’s hope our brothers and sisters in America have awakened and are ready to restore their nation to greatness!
(P.S. Support Keystone XL, beyond the economic growth, it will also keep our precious oil out of the hands of China. Plus our property values will increase!)
The views expressed in the above article are those of the author, Levi Ozbey and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this blog. [ El Greco ]

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Frenzied Media Bias : Akin vs Biden

A week after giving relatively light coverage to Joe Biden's "chains" smear, the broadcast networks eagerly dove into the Todd Akin controversy, giving over four times more coverage to an uproar involving a statewide (conservative) politician than a controversy involving a national (liberal) politician.

NBC, CBS and ABC's evening and morning shows have devoted an astonishing 88 minutes (or 40 segments) of coverage to Congressman Akin's "legitimate rape" remark. Over a similar three day period, the networks allowed a scant 19 minutes (or ten segments) to a racially charged gaffe by the Vice President of the United States.

CBS This Morning reporter Norah O'Donnell on Tuesday pronounced, "If Akin is still running for the United States Senate, everybody is going to be asking about Akin, abortion rights, women's rights, etc., during the Republican convention." CBS journalists certainly did their best to make sure "everybody" would be talking about the Republican. The network hyped the story the most, pushing the controversy for 13 segments and 37 minutes.

Read more

Obama One Step Away Fom Attacking Syria

From :

The U.S. president called the use or transportation of chemical weapons by Damascus the condition of military intervention in the Syrian crisis. Touching upon the American favorite topic of weapons of mass destruction, Obama seeks to score points in the presidential race. America's desire to fight in Syria is unlikely. If need be, it will be done by the regional allies.

U.S. President Barack Obama said that until now, he did not give the command to start a military operation in Syria. He added that if the US starts receiving information on the transport or the use of large quantities of chemical weapons, it will change his decisions on Syria. He explained that in this case, the situation would be not merely an internal affair of Syria, but will affect the allies in the region, including Israel. He added that the US cannot allow a situation in which chemical weapons fall into the hands of the wrong people.

Obama's reference to the danger of weapons getting to the wrong people, that is, radicals and terrorists, is rather odd. The U.S. supports radicals and even terrorists politically, financially and technically. Washington simply found an excuse for a military intervention.

Saving Antiquities for Everyone : The 3rd Millennium BC Citadel of Aleppo Faces Serious Risk in Syria

The Citadel of Aleppo, dating back to the 3rd millennium BC, is now caught in the fighting between President Basher al-Assad’s military and the Free Rebel Army.  The Citadel has a elaborate history: it was occupied by the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Mongols, Ottomans, Ayyubis, Mamluks, and unsuccessfully besieged by Crusaders in 1098 and 1124.  

It is home of the Aleppo Codex, a medieval bound manuscript of the Hebrew Bible written in the 10th Century A.D.  It is identified in the Bible as Elijah’s cave and as a stopping point of Abram during his journey to Canaan and Egypt.  It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986 (“Ancient City of Aleppo,” UNESCO).

As early as May 21, Interpol requested vigilance in Syria to preserve ancient sites, citing that Roman mosaics in the city of Hama were missing and there was a high possibility for irreversible damage.  Their press release stated: “The on-going armed conflict in Syria is increasingly threatening a significant part of the cultural heritage of mankind. Roman ruins, archaeological sites, historic premises and places of worship are particularly vulnerable to destruction, damages, theft and looting during this period of turmoil” (“Interpol Calls for Vigilance on Looting of Ancient Mosaics in Syria,” Interpol, May 21, 2012).

Citadel of AleppoUNESCO
The Citadel of Aleppo now caught in the fight between Basher al-Assad and the Free Rebel Army in Syria.

On July 31, UNESCO issued a plea to preserve the Citadel of Aleppo.  They asked Secretary-General Ban-ki Moon to employ international agreements which protect cultural property (“UNESCO Pleads with Syrian Secretary-General to Preserve Citadel of Aleppo,” UNESCO, July 30, 2012).  No action was taken.

In modern day Syria, the city of Aleppo is a commercial center and home to 2.5 million people.  New reports claim that if al-Assad’s forces lose control of Aleppo, the country will fall into Rebel hands. Aleppo has been a war zone for the past four weeks (“Syrian Army Moves on Rebels in Aleppo, Damascus,” Hadeel Al Shalchi, Reuters, August 3, 2012).

The Free Rebel Army made a major push to take the Citadel.  Ahmed, a young rebel fighter stated: “One day soon, we’re going to march inside.  We will make it to the heart of city.”  Muhammad, another rebel, boasted: “Soon you will see us in the Citadel.  And from there, you will see a liberated Aleppo” (“Syrian Rebels Edge Towards Aleppo’s Ancient Heart,” Erika Solomon, Reuters, August 2, 2012).

Last week NBC reported that the Free Rebel Army had taken control of Citadel and using it as a stronghold.  Without any anti-aircraft defense, the Citadel immediately became a major target for al-Assad’s military forces.  Reports also stated that the Free Rebel Forces began taking shelter in a hidden wall behind the outer wall of the Citadel.  Syrian tanks easily broke through the walls, killing the Rebels, and decimating the Citadel’s medieval walls.

Fighting in Syria
The fighting in Syria continues to ravage the city of Aleppo.

On August 11, The Daily Star of Lebanon reported that the Citadel was being shelled and that the main damage was at the entrance gate.  The New Zealand Herald stated: “One shell demolished the front of the house, leaving a gaping hole where the arched gateway once stood. A second gouged out a crater 3 meter wide in the walled garden and a third smashed into bedrooms and the library”  (“Citadel at Risk as Modern War Rages in Aleppo,” Kim Sengupta, New Zealand Herald, August 14, 2012).

While this article focuses on the Citadel as an important world heritage site, we cannot overlook the deaths in Syria.  The Huffington Post estimates that about 17,000 people have died in fighting– 11,897 civilians, 4,348 soldiers and 884 military defectors.  In addition, the UN reports that as many as 1.5 million people have been displaced by the fighting (“Syrian Refugee Numbers Surge Again Amid Aleppo Clashes,” Los Angeles Times, August 10, 2012).

 We hope that when the fighting does conclude, the Aleppo Citadel will become a unifying symbol.  It will remind modern, war torn Syrians to be proud of their common historic past and national heritage.
As of  August 15, the present condition of the Aleppo Citadel is unknown.

Source, here.

Romney Compares Protesters to a Greek Chorus

POWELL, Ohio — Mitt Romney had a message for the protesters who greeted him and Representative Paul D. Ryan, along with 5,000 supporters, here on Saturday morning: “This is kind of like the Greek chorus in the background,” he said, in a reference to President Obama’s speech four years ago at the Democratic convention in Denver, which he delivered in front of large Greek columns.
“Everything they do reminds us of Greece and we’re not going to be Greece,” Mr. Romney said. “We’re going to get America back to being America.”
Mr. Romney said he had re-read Mr. Obama’s Denver acceptance speech, and that it was “really a brilliant speech.”
“He says marvelous things,” Mr. Romney said. “He just hasn’t done them.”
He returned to the Greek theme later in his speech, using the protesters to attack Mr. Obama’s record.

“Our Greek chorus out there is chanting, ‘Four more years!’ ” Mr. Romney said. “Do you want four more years of high unemployment? Do you want four more years of declining wages? Do you want four more years of home values in the basement? Do you want four more years of the big banks getting bigger, the small banks getting smaller? Do you want four more years of Barack Obama?”
As the crowd shouted “No,” Mr. Romney replied: “Neither do I.”
Mr. Romney, who often uses his wife, Ann, to make a pitch to female voters, made the appeal himself Saturday.
“Just a word to the women entrepreneurs out there,” he said. “If we become president and vice president, we want to speak to you, we want to help you. Women in this country are more likely to start businesses than men. Women need our help.”
He returned to the topic later.
“I want to speak to the women of America who have dreams, who begin businesses in their homes, who begin businesses out in the marketplace, who are working in various enterprises and companies: I want you to be successful,” he said. “Our campaign is about making it easier for entrepreneurs, women and men, to start businesses, to grow businesses.”
Even Mr. Ryan got in on the routine. Talking about growing “the pie so everybody has a chance at the American idea,” he made sure to use the female pronoun.
“We want every American to be able to achieve her potential,” Mr. Ryan said.

By Ashley Parker of The New York Times [blog].

Iranian Parliament Delegation in Syria to Boost Bilateral Ties

TEHRAN (FNA)- A delegation of Iranian MPs arrived in Syria today to discuss ways of expanding parliamentary ties between the two Muslim nations, an Iranian lawmaker announced on Saturday.

Speaking to FNA, Vice-Chairman of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mansour Haqiqatpour said that the commission sent a 4-member delegation to Damascus this morning.

He added that the Iranian delegation is headed by Chairman of the Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi.

As regards the goals of the visit, Haqiqatpour stated, "We are trying to expand our relations and increase parliamentary cooperation between the two countries."

Iran and Syria have forged an alliance ever since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the two countries' officials exchange visits on a regular basis.

The two countries enjoy strategic relations in a wide variety of fields.

Source: Fars News Agency

Turkey To Set Up War Bridges On Evros River Bordering Greece

There has been a change of tactics and strategy data on the main  confrontation line between Greece and Turkey, on the  Evros river in northeastern Greece.
With a gesture which leaves no room for any doubt about what they are planning with regard to the Greek neighbors, Turkey is considering a scenario of setting up ferry bridges [see picture], a typically offensive weapon and even in such quantities and with such features that allows them within minutes( !)  to go over the Evros river and flood the Greek territory with their forces.

Once again, the Turks break new ground. During the height of the global financial crisis , they are spending several hundred million euros in the acquisition of means to overcome water obstacles in the context of a well-thought-out and well carried out armaments program.

In addition, there has been an increase in rhetoric and complaints by Turkey that in recent days, the Greeks are violating international air space in the Aegean and that they have been "harassing" a number of Turkish
jets that supposedly are in the process of doing routine military exercises.

It sounds like an "excuse" is sought by Turkey to act aggressively against its  neighbor as any expert of the area politics knows that it is not a secret that the Turks have had their eyes on a number of Greek islands in the eastern Aegean.

The situation is volatile and international readers should not be surprised to see more developments leading to skirmishes between the two sides which may lead to more serious confrontations. Stay tuned for more.

DefenceNet - Γέφυρες πολέμου στήνει στον Έβρο η Τουρκία. Σε 15' "σβήνουν" το ποτάμι

Friday, August 24, 2012

Russian Made Syrian Missiles: Another Threat To Israel?

 Russia, recently, supplied two Bastion coastal missile systems to Syria, concluding a controversial $300 million arms deal inked with the Syrian government five years ago. Russian sources claim the new missile system will “enable Syria to protect its entire coast from a possible seaborne attack”, the delivery of these medium range shore-based anti-ship missile system is taking place as the Syrian regime is extremely unstable. If the Assad regime falls, these weapons could be transferred to his allies – Iranian backed Hezbollah, or fall into the hands of extremist islamic factions fighting the regime.

The missile Yakhont ( SSN-26)  for instance is considered by the Israelis as a threat to their naval forces and their drilling platforms in the Cypriot and Israeli exclusive economic zones, as this missile system is in a position to hit such targets with relative ease.

However, the Israeli navy is downplaying this new threat by insisting that it is in a position that it can face pretty well anything. The anti-missile system Barak 8 along with other weapons are being developed precisely for threats of this type.

Israeli FM: Israel Cannot Live With A Nuclear Iran

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized on Friday the decision makers from the past decade, saying they failed to adopt the necessary policy and thus allowed the Iranians to reach the capabilities they have today.

‘I talked about this back in 2001, when the Iranian nuclear facilities were not underground and scattered as they are now,’ Lieberman said in a special interview with Channel 2 News. ‘I was exposed to this issue for the first time in 1996, when I was Director-General of the Prime Minister's Office. In 2001, we knew they were planning to move all their nuclear facilities underground and spread them out, but the decisions as they should have been made were not made.  
Lieberman refused to directly answer the question of whether he was among the ministers who support an attack on Iran, but stressed that he views the current situation as being very serious. ‘As someone who has been engaged with this issue for many years, I can say that, according to intelligence information, Israel cannot live with a nuclear Iran,’ he said, adding, ‘Whoever makes light of this situation and brings, as an example, the fact that Pakistan, India and North Korea are nuclear - does not know what he's talking about. There is no way that the State of Israel can accept a nuclear Iran.’…”
 [ Continued ]

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Race For The White House Tightens

Less than a week before the Republican convention begins, the race for the White House is a virtual tie.  According to a Fox News poll of likely voters, the Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan ticket receives the backing of 45 percent, while the Barack Obama-Joe Biden ticket garners 44 percent.  

The poll, released Thursday, is the first Fox has conducted among likely voters this year, which means an apples-to-apples comparison can’t be made to previous polls.  Likely voters are eligible/registered voters who will most likely cast a ballot in this year’s presidential election.  

This is also the first Fox poll to ask about the top and bottom of the major party tickets:  Democrats Obama and Vice President Joe Biden against Republicans Romney and Paul Ryan.  Romney announced his vice presidential pick of Wisconsin Rep. Ryan on August 11.
Both tickets have already gained the support of many of their key voting blocs.  Romney has the edge among white Evangelical Christians (70-18 percent), white voters (53-36 percent), married voters (51-38 percent), men (48-40 percent) and seniors (50-41 percent).

Obama has the advantage among black voters (86-6 percent), women (48-42 percent), lower income households (53-35 percent), young voters (48-39 percent) and unmarried voters (55-34 percent).
Independents back Romney by 42-32 percent (one in four is undecided).  Independents were vital to Obama’s 2008 victory, backing him over Republican John McCain by 52-44 percent (Fox News exit poll).

About one voter in ten is undecided or says they’ll vote for someone other than Obama and Romney.  Among just those voters, 55 percent disapprove of the job Obama is doing and only 17 percent think the country has changed for the better in the last four years.  
Among undecided voters Romney is viewed more negatively than positively by 28 percentage points, while Obama is viewed more negatively by 12 points. 

The poll shows Romney supporters are more enthusiastic.  By an 11 percentage-point margin the challenger’s backers are more likely to be “extremely” interested in the election, and by 10 points they’re more likely to think it’s “extremely” important their candidate wins.  
Meanwhile, voters think neither candidate is sticking to the high road.  Small majorities say Romney (58 percent) and Obama (57 percent) will say and do just about anything to win in November.

On the big issue of last week, slightly more voters trust the Democratic ticket (by three points) to do a better job protecting Medicare and ensuring it’s there for future generations.
When asked who they trust to improve the economy and create jobs, voters favor the Republican ticket by two points -- a surprisingly slim margin in light of President Obama’s negative ratings on the issue.  
By 54-42 percent, more voters disapprove than approve of Obama’s handling of the economy.  His overall job performance stands at 46 percent approve and 50 percent disapprove.  

In addition, by a 17-point margin voters say the country has changed for the worse in the last four years rather than for the better (46-29 percent).  One in four says it hasn’t changed much either way.
A slightly larger number of voters say they will be more confident their financial situation will improve if Romney (38 percent) is elected than if Obama is re-elected (33 percent).  Still, majorities don’t have confidence things will get better for their family either way.  

All in all, 51 percent of likely voters view Obama favorably and 46 percent unfavorably.  For Romney it’s 49 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable.  
The vice presidential running mates are on roughly equal footing with each other.  Some 46 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Biden, while 45 percent view Ryan positively.  One in five likely voters isn’t familiar enough with Ryan yet to have an opinion. 

By a 10-point margin, voters are more likely to say Ryan than Biden is the “stronger” vice presidential candidate.  Even so, voters are just as likely to say they would feel “comfortable” with Biden (45 percent) as with Ryan (46 percent) if they had to step in as president

Obama’s favorable rating is down six points and Biden’s is down nine points from the favorable ratings they had when elected in November 2008.
Still, none of the current slate of candidates can match the former first couple.  About two-thirds of voters have a favorable opinion of former President Bill Clinton (65 percent) and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton (64 percent).
And lastly, by a wide 46-point margin, voters think most members of the media want Obama (61 percent) to win the election rather than Romney (15 percent).

The Fox News poll is based on live telephone interviews on landlines and cell phones from August 19 to August 21 among 1,007 randomly-chosen likely voters nationwide.  Likely voters are registered voters who are considered most likely to vote in the November presidential election.  The poll is conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R).  For the total sample, it has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.  

Hezbollah Drill Prepares to 'Occupy the Galilee'

Over 10,000 Hezbollah fighters participated in the organization's largest military exercise to date last week, which included defensive tactics and preparations to occupy the Upper Galilee, Lebanese newspaper Al-Joumhouria reported.

The report noted that the drill lasted three days and the majority of the soldiers that participated in the exercise belonged to special forces. According to the ‘informed source,’ Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah is said to have called for the organization to make the appropriate preparations to occupy northern Israel. 

 It is widely believed that any sort of military action that Israel takes against Iran would be followed by a response from the Lebanese Shi'ite paramilitary organization on its northern border. Last Friday, Nasrallah threatened to rain rockets onto Israel's North as part of his public address on Al-Quds Day…”   For more on the story see here