Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why Miley Cyrus Needs to Give Up the Act, Before It’s Too Late

 Miley Cyrus

Even if, like me you didn't actually sit through MTV's Video Music Awards, it would have been difficult for you to escape seeing at least a snippet of Miley Cyrus' performance. From social media to the school carpool lines, the conversation ranged from shock to utter disgust.
Many of us saw it coming.

For the past few years the former star of the Disney Channel's mega hit Hannah Montana has, been as some would put it "showing her behind," literally and figuratively. It's probably a combination of having too much money and fame at a young age while searching for independence, identity, acceptance, and maybe even the good kind of attention from anyone willing to tell her that she went too far on stage Sunday night.

But instead, everyone will continue to talk and tweet and yes blog which only gives more publicity to her and the VMAs.
It's like our disgust somehow makes us feel superior but it really does no one any good.
The people who produce the MTV VMAs are not interested at all in whether or not you or I approve of what Miley did. In fact, they're probable hoping and praying that next year's performance is even more controversial.

The VMAs had a TV-14-D-L rating which means it was inappropriate for kids under 14 and had suggestive dialogue and language. Expecting nothing but wholesome entertainment from MTV is like expecting to order ham from a vegan restaurant. It just makes no sense.
And really, neither does outrage or embarrassment.

Sometimes things that are so extreme have their way of swinging so far that all they can do is come back the other way. We saw it with the "wives" era or reality television.
After so much cursing, slapping and glass throwing, the audience started to have enough. The audiences had seen enough of women behaving worse than the rowdiest middle school girls. And as a result, the ratings are down, the shock value is gone and soon so will many of those shows. It wasn't because of our open letters to the producers or our outrage, it's mostly because the most of the people who loved it are now bored with it.

And by the look at the faces of Miley's peers as she gyrated and made sexually suggestive motions with a foam finger, they are pretty much done too.
Moms and dads are supposed to be appalled at the VMAs, or at least pretend to be appalled in front of their children, church members, etc., so MTV accomplished that goal. But when Rihanna and Drake and members of One Direction look at Miley and shake their heads, that's a problem.
In entertainment the one thing that makes a bigger impact than love or hate is indifference. The teens I know were more bored than intrigued and that might mean the beginning of the end for Miley.

Article link: Here

Even if, like me you didn't actually sit through MTV's Video Music Awards, it would have been difficult for you to escape seeing at least a snippet of Miley Cyrus' performance. From social media to the school carpool lines, the conversation ranged from shock to utter disgust.
Many of us saw it coming.
For the past few years the former star of the Disney Channel's mega hit Hannah Montana has, been as some would put it "showing her behind," literally and figuratively. It's probably a combination of having too much money and fame at a young age while searching for independence, identity, acceptance, and maybe even the good kind of attention from anyone willing to tell her that she went too far on stage Sunday night.
But instead, everyone will continue to talk and tweet and yes blog which only gives more publicity to her and the VMAs.
It's like our disgust somehow makes us feel superior but it really does no one any good.
The people who produce the MTV VMAs are not interested at all in whether or not you or I approve of what Miley did. In fact, they're probable hoping and praying that next year's performance is even more controversial.
The VMAs had a TV-14-D-L rating which means it was inappropriate for kids under 14 and had suggestive dialogue and language. Expecting nothing but wholesome entertainment from MTV is like expecting to order ham from a vegan restaurant. It just make no sense.
And really, neither does outrage or embarrassment.
Sometimes things that are so extreme have their way of swinging so far that all they can do is come back the other way. We saw it with the "wives" era or reality television.
After so much cursing, slapping and glass throwing, the audience started to have enough. The audiences had seen enough of women behaving worse than the rowdiest middle school girls. And as a result, the ratings are down, the shock value is gone and soon so will many of those shows. It wasn't because of our open letters to the producers or our outrage, it's mostly because the most of the people who loved it are now bored with it.
And by the look at the faces of Miley's peers as she gyrated and made sexually suggestive motions with a foam finger, they are pretty much done too.
Moms and dads are supposed to be appalled at the VMAs, or at least pretend to be appalled in front of their children, church members, etc., so MTV accomplished that goal. But when Rihanna and Drake and members of One Direction look at Miley and shake their heads, that's a problem.
In entertainment the one thing that makes a bigger impact than love or hate is indifference. The teens I know were more bored than intrigued and that might mean the beginning of the end for Miley.
Article link:

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