Thursday, September 26, 2013

South Sudan Bishop Who Won Clinton Award: Devil Behind Christian Apathy Toward Third World Plight

A South Sudan Bishop has warned that the devil is behind the apathy present in some Christian churches and communities that allows them to relax and enjoy comforts while ignoring the plight of suffering people in third world countries.

Bishop Elias Taban speaking near Yei, Al Istiwa'iyah, South Sudan, photo uploaded July 12, 2012."The Christian churches need to become more involved in advocacy," Bishop Elias Taban of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of South Sudan and Uganda said in a phone interview with The Christian Post on Wednesday.
"God has made us stewards of the entire world, (we need to) get involved in building the third world countries, in terms of prayer and physical support," he continued. "When we relax behind our comfortable zones, the problems will continue and come closer."

Taban was recognized by the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) during a private ceremony on Wednesday for a remarkable life in which he has influenced an entire region and many people around the world.

The Bishop is a former child soldier who grew up during Sudan's civil wars, but managed to escape and earn diplomas in civil engineering and theology. He returned to Sudan and became a pastor, helping the devastated churches, and began building schools, orphanages and hospitals throughout the region. Today, he serves as the general director of a water wells project, which is restoring entire communities and providing both water and work for residents.

"Each year, honorees are nominated by the CGI community based on their visionary leadership, demonstrated impact, and sustainable and scalable work in solving global issues," the Clinton Global Initiative has said. "Bishop Taban's courage and selfless efforts have saved many lives, and after the war, he became known throughout South Sudan as he built schools, orphanages, and hospitals in the region."

Read much more, here.

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