Friday, September 6, 2013

Islamists Kill Five Christians in Nigeria Because of Their Faith reports: “On September 2, Islamists in Nigeria ambushed a minibus, ordered passengers to exit, and then shot those that were Christian.
The incident took place near the central city of Jos. Those killed were members of ‘a Church of Christ in Nations congregation in... Foron.’

According to BosNewsLife, passengers that identified as Christians were ordered to lie down on the side of the road and were executed. Those killed ranged in age from 22 to 40.

A technical school student who rode his motorbike close to the scene to see what was happening was ordered to stop and then asked his religion. When he said he was a Christian he was ordered to lie down with the others. But when the Islamists started shooting those lying furthest away from him he jumped up and ran while the attackers ‘fired wildly at [him].’
He escaped with his life and was able to report to authorities how the attack happened…”

Source: JVIM

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