Thursday, September 5, 2013

Endless Extermination of Christians: Do We Care? reports: “Not only is it fatally dangerous to be a Christian in Syria and Egypt, but ‘70 percent of Christians killed around the world in 2012 died in the African country of Nigeria, where the persecution continues today’ (‘Deadliest place to be a Christian: Nigeria,’ Charlie Butts,, May 31).

According to a Fox News report, in Iraq, which we invaded in 2003 to liberate its people from a vicious dictatorship, ‘the number of Christian houses of worship there has dwindled alarmingly in the decade since the U.S. invaded and ousted Saddam Hussein from power.

‘There are just 57 Christian churches in the entire country, down from more than 300 as recently as 2003, Patriarch Louis Sako told Egyptian-based news agency MidEast Christian News. The churches that remain are frequent targets of Islamic extremists, who have driven nearly a million Christians out of the land, say human rights advocates’ (‘Christians, churches dwindling in Iraq since start of war 10 years ago,’ Perry Chiaramonte,, March 21).

We hear a lot about Barack Obama’s targeted killing of Pakistan’s citizens, including innocent civilians, by drones, but you probably have not heard about this:
‘The destruction a Christian neighborhood suffered on Saturday speaks volumes about growing religious intolerance in the country.

‘An over 3,000-strong mob set ablaze more than 150 houses of Christians in Lahore’s Joseph Colony over alleged blasphemous remarks … by Sawan Masih, a 28-year-old Christian sanitation worker’ (‘Christians under siege: Mob rule in Lahore,’ Rana Tanveer, The Express Tribune, March 10)…”


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