Friday, August 23, 2013

Anti-Hamas Movement Emerges in Gaza reports: “An anonymous group of Palestinians calling itself ‘The rebellion against tyranny in Gaza’ has been established in the Strip driving inspiration from Egypt's Tamarod movement. The group is calling on the public to bring down the Hamas government.

Already making waves on social media sites as well as earning recognition from the Arab press, the group has declared a day of mass protests against Hamas to be held November 11 – the anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. A video posted online said that on that day, the oppression imposed by Hamas will be lifted.

Hamas is referred to in the video as the ‘Gaza brotherhood’ in reference to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. The group stresses that it is not against Hamas in principle, but against what the movement has become since taking over the Gaza Strip. ‘Today's Hamas is not the Hamas of yesterday. Ahmed Yassin's Hamas is not the Hamas of Gaza's security forces,’ they say…”

Source: JVIM

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