Friday, June 7, 2013

Turkey Protests Resume in Istanbul After Apology

The violent scenes came just hours after Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc apologized for the police response to initial protests last week

Police in the Turkish city of Istanbul have used tear gas and water cannon against protesters in a fifth night of anti-government demonstrations.
The clashes came hours after Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc apologised for the violent police response to initial protests last week.

Mr Arinc is due to hold a meeting with activists later on Wednesday.
Protests over the demolition of a park in Istanbul have grown into days of unrest across the country.

Mr Arinc apologised to protesters injured in demonstrations opposing the redevelopment of Gezi Park.
He said the original protests were "just and legitimate" and the "excessive use of force" by police was wrong.

Ahead of a proposed meeting in Istanbul, activists issued a list of demands, including the end of plans to demolish the park, a ban on tear gas, the release of arrested protesters and the resignation of top officials blamed for the protest crackdown, the BBC's Mark Lowen in Istanbul reports.

The atmosphere on Istanbul's Taksim Square on Tuesday evening was almost celebratory as a huge crowd of people ranging from football fans to well-heeled professionals gathered, the BBC's Paul Mason reported.

People have been chanting "Have you heard us?" in the hope the government is listening to their demands.
But later, police fired tear gas, water cannon and smoke grenades as they tried to disperse protesters.

In the city of Izmir, there was a festive atmosphere and police kept their distance, though some young protesters earlier smashed security cameras and threw bricks, the BBC's Quentin Sommerville reports.

Read more: here

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