Most of the stories presented here have come to me by way of e-mail from friends and readers.
Therefore, I am not in a position to speak with certainty about their authenticity.
My decision to include them here is based on the fact that I believe that they will touch you in a special way like they did with me when I first read them. Enjoy!!!
Also, don't forget to check out my Table of Contents for my real experiences and observations in my walk with the Lord.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Heartwarming Stories
Death Tolls Mounts in Nigeria ‘Jihad’
Orpington, England (ANS) – A new report from Nigeria claims the latest attacks by Fulani militants have killed 620 Christians in the first five months of 2020, according to a Release International press release.
The charity goes on to says that a recent attack on a Baptist village killed 17, including an entire family.

Mass grave at Gonan Rogo, Nigeria, where Fulani militants killed 17 villagers.
A report, by the International Society for Civil Liberties & Rule of Law (ISCLRL), follows an attack on the Christian village of Gonan Rogo, which claimed 17 lives, including a father, mother and their three young children.
The report supports claims by partners of UK-based Release International that the attacks are growing and have the characteristics of an undeclared jihad against Christians.
The ISCLRL, an NGO, claims 32,000 Christians have been killed by Islamist militants since 2009. The United Nation puts the figure killed in the conflict in northern Nigeria at 27,000.
And Release partner, the Stefanos Foundation estimates 30,000 have died in the continuing violence.
Mark Lipdo of Stefanos says: ‘Attackers have claimed more than 30,000 lives. We are seeing a systematic strategy that enforces what the ethnic minorities believe is a jihad. Christians in northern Nigeria are being annihilated. It is heading towards a genocide.’ .......
Fairness and Equality, from God’s Kingdom Perspective
HOUSTON, TX (ANS) – There is a lot of talk these days about inequality and the need for more fairness and equality. People often get the idea that their worth or value is based on their salary, possessions, title or position in an organization or society. However, God’s Kingdom principles are very different. Some of the most notable, high profile, and esteemed individuals in modern society may not be making a positive impact on the world, or for the Kingdom of God. Perhaps the greatest rewards in heaven will be received by the least known and most unlikely individuals here on earth.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Over the years of conducting Orality Training in various parts of the world, we have observed how some of the least educated and less privileged people become fruitful and productive followers of Jesus and agents of change. While there is an amazing among of inequality in the world today, it is comforting to realize that God is an equal opportunity employer. God is no respecter of persons, and He is willing to use anyone who comes to Him, believes and trusts Him. In fact, Jesus has promised that those who come to Him and believe in Him, out of their hearts, (innermost beings) will flow rivers of Living Water. Of course, He is referring to the work of the Holy Spirit and His redemptive activity........
Source: Fairness and Equality, from God’s Kingdom Perspective
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Growing in Our Faith Through Anxiety
Deep Questions Lead to Deep People
Do you want to be a deep person? We have a very shallow society that is imploding. We are self-destructing before our eyes. We don’t need any more rich or smart people. We don’t need any more singers, preachers, or whatever talent you want to throw out there. This world needs more deep people. People that walk deep roads, ask deep questions and answer profoundly. No more superficiality. Deep questions develop deep people.
We have the opportunity for growth. The author of the book of Hebrews says that we have an anchor of the soul that is firm and secure. Anchors go deep to the places we don’t see. There’s a bridge that you pass as you go to the Niagara River that has a big sign. The sign on the bridge asks two questions: Do you have an anchor? Do you know how to use it?
Do you have an anchor of depth in your life? The answer is Jesus Christ. He came from Heaven to die for your sins. It’s not your will power, money, talent, or knowledge. It is the good news of the Gospel. He lives inside of you and can save your soul. You can place your sin on Him and in return, He gives you righteousness and forgiveness. You can walk and live in greater depth through Him.
A lot of believers have Jesus as their anchor, but do not know how to use it. Let’s learn to see anxiety and fear as a place for deep, spiritual growth.
Three things on this place of depth
- Pour out your heart to Him. There’s a Psalm David wrote that says to pour out our hearts and trust Him at all times. Be honest with God. His Word says He is our refuge. Morning will come.
- Feel the feelings. The book of Psalms is all about feelings. David in times of fear would write down his feelings. You don’t have to think others are worse than you to be grateful for the food on the table, or the roof over your head. It’s okay to feel the emotions you’re feeling.
- Process Forward. Don’t just worry about something over and over again. Take a step with it. Ask yourself what is stressing you, and how can you move forward. Journal your thoughts. Journaling can help process forward. Just like David would cry out to God in his Psalms. Write down your prayers. Tell God you need Him. There are songs that have the exact lyrics you need to hear to process forward. There are problems that will require total surrender to God to move forward.
The above excerpt is from a Bible study in YouVersion with the same title.
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