Friday, April 14, 2017

Yuuuuge! Trump hits ISIS with biggest U.S. non-nuke

President Trump told the American public Thursday that the U.S. military’s decision to drop a giant bomb – the largest non-nuclear device in the U.S. arsenal at 21,000 pounds – on ISIS in Afghanistan was a “another very, very successful mission.”
Officials announced the Massive Ordnance Air Blast, or MOAB – also known as the “mother of all bombs” – was dropped in Nangarhar Province near the Pakistan border.
It was the first time the weapon ever has been used in combat.
The president, addressing the media only briefly on the topic, said he had given U.S. military commanders in the Middle East region “total authorization.”
“That’s why they’ve been so successful lately,” he said.
His orders to the military comply with a campaign promise to bomb and destroy ISIS.
“We have an incredible military,” the president said. “Another very, very successful mission.”
What do YOU think? What are your thoughts on Trump dropping the Big One? Sound off in today’s WND poll!
Asked if bombing ISIS sent a message to North Korea, he responded: “I don’t know if this sends a message. Doesn’t make a difference if it does or not.”
He added, however: “I think China has been working very hard. I have gotten to like and respect President Xi. He’s a very special man. I think he’s going to try very hard.”

Read more at WND

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