The men have decided. Church is not for them.

We wondered why. After digging
deeper, we heard several recurring themes:
Feminization. Many men say the
current church is designed for feminine tastes. Everything from the decor to
worship behavior seems just a bit too "girly" for many guys.
"It's intimidating for a man to hold hands in a circle," says David
Murrow, author of Why Men Hate Going to Church. "A male visitor detects
the feminine spirit the moment he walks in the sanctuary door. He may feel like
Tom Sawyer in Aunt Polly's parlor."
One-way communication. Many men no
longer desire to sit at the feet of a preacher and passively take in a lecture.
This week popular Christian author Donald Miller admitted in his blog that he
rarely attends church anymore. "I don't learn much about God hearing a
sermon," he wrote. He said, like most men, he finds that the typical
church service "can be long and difficult to get through." Other men
told us that, rather than sit passively through a church service, they want to
offer their thoughts, and join the conversation.
Avoidance of tough questions. Many
men have serious questions about matters of faith. They feel their questions
are unwelcome. David, a college student, told us how his difficult questions
about the canonization of the Bible were deflected and dismissed. Frustrated,
he left the church. He wasn't looking for an easy answer from a clerical
know-it-all. He simply wanted a degree of honesty, authenticity, and humility.
Lack of adventure. Church happenings
are too programmed and predictable for many men. They're looking for a little
risk and challenge–just as the original disciples encountered while living with
Jesus. But, as David Murrow says, "the actual mission of most
congregations is making people feel comfortable and safe–especially longtime
Even the concept of discipleship has
been stripped of its original meaning. It's been reduced to a sheltered
academic exercise in most churches. Their discipleship programs amount to no
more than a Bible study class. Murrow is looking to return to a real biblical
process to disciple men. He calls it Men's League. It engages 12 men at a time
in a year-long series of "ordeals"–challenging experiences that build
healthy reliance on Christ.
Efforts such as these may help men
get to know the real Jesus. Not the fragile-looking Jesus they remember from
the faded portraits in the church hall. But the real, gritty carpenter who
camped with fishermen, stood up to his threatening critics, withstood harrowing
abuse, carried his own cross timbers, and conquered death itself. That's a
man–and Lord–men today would find magnetic.
Thom Schultz -
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