Friday, July 19, 2013

Thousands Flock to Download Movie That "Debunks Evolution"

A new documentary that Ray Comfort, the controversial New Zealand-born author, TV host and producer of the movie says “completely debunks evolution within its first 16 minutes” has been made available as a download, and with a week more than six thousand people had downloaded the pre-release of the full 38 minute documentary.

Ray Comfort
“We had no idea that Evolution vs. God would get such a wonderful response, but it shows that this is an issue of great concern to a lot of people,” says who now lives in Southern California. “It was Sir Isaac Newton who said that atheism ‘is so senseless.’ How could anyone believe that nothing created everything? That's scientifically impossible.”

Comfort went on to say, “I ask university students and scientists from UCLA and USC if they think things are intelligently designed. None of them do. So I asked them to make me a rose ‘from nothing.’ They flounder like a gasping fish on an African mudflat. They don't know where to start. It's wonderful to finally see these people who think they are so smart confronted with common sense. This movie puts a powerful weapon into our hands in the battle against senselessness.” 

Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis said, “Evolution vs. God will rock the creation and evolution world!”
Actor, Kirk Cameron added, “Ray Comfort does it again! With simplicity and keen insight on the streets, he pulls back the curtain of Evolution and reveals that the Great Wizard of Darwinism is just an insecure little man with a dream of becoming a god. I highly recommend this helpful, faith-building, and inspiring video for families, teachers, and pastors!”

Artwork from the website
While many are ecstatic about the movie, many are not. Dave Muscato, Public Relations Director American Atheists, Inc., said, “Oh, Ray. I am so disappointed in you.” He went on to say, “Ask experts to define evolution, and then USE that definition from then on. The modern definition of evolution is not the same one used 150 years ago; science has progressed during that time!” David L. added, “He is a Christian fundamentalist extremist who will tell any lie to further his cause. He is scum. A vile [w]retch of a human being…. He is a coward.”

While Ludwig R. stated, “The human race is doomed with people like Comfort walking around.”
Comfort, however, says he understands why atheists are so angry.
Dan Wooding greets Ray Comfort on
His Channel Live program
“They cling to faith in evolution because it’s their beloved doorway into unending and exciting pleasures in this sad and sometimes boring world,” he said. 

“If there's no God and everything happened through a random process of evolution over millions of years, then fornication isn't morally wrong. It's fine—it's simply an animal instinct to procreate our species. It gives the green light to pornography, homosexuality, adultery, and anything else that society thinks is morally okay. 

“This movie is more than a wet blanket; it’s a Niagara Falls. It’s the ultimate party pooper because it uniquely exposes—using the words of evolutionary scientists at prestigious universities the lunacy of Darwinian evolution.”

Downloads are now available at the site. It will be released on DVD and YouTube August 7th. Comfort will fly out from California to be at the World Premiere Sevierville, TN July 22: Answers Mega Conference (
To schedule an interview with Ray Comfort contact Jen Thompson at 562-207-9315 or email

   Source: Assist News    

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