By Mohamed Abdelfattah
What I said may be surprising for many, but not for
others. The past several years have witnessed every single young man or
woman with a shred of critical thinking to leave the Islamist movement.
Starting with the Egyptian revolution and the Islamists’ shameful
position against it, young middle class educated members have ever since
continued to trickle out.
But this mere organisational friction is not the subject
of this article. What I intend to expound on is more far-reaching. It’s
about those often-silent people who decided to abandon faith completely
as a result of their faithful experiences.
“I’ve decided to put Islam on hold as a religion,” wrote
former Muslim Brotherhood activist Osama Dorra in his blog post. “For
the conflict I’ve found between some of its details and what I think is
sanity, justice, and logic has reached an inconceivable limit.”
The young Islamist dropout was courageous enough to come
out with these views publicly on his blog. For days comments and shares
continued to fuel the discussion. Islamists and their acolytes, who may
have one day been shoulder to shoulder with Dorra, were unable to
discredit his opinion as simply a fake conspiracy against Islam. Hence, I
guess, they were more than cautious not to take him to court.
In any case, Dorra’s “Flying high above religion” blog
post was later followed by other articles that suggested more
revisionist takes on his initial position.
On the other hand, Islamists themselves have been paying
the price of coming out publicly with their archaic and medieval views.
For decades, these views were only voiced in underground audio
cassettes and cheap booklets when they were long repressed. But as they
came to power, they have now realised there is a price tag on every
You could now find uncompromising Salafi TV preachers
legitimising profanity and insults. Or the more bizarre Yasser Borhamy
of the Salafi movement rejecting a clear ban on slavery in the
constitution because he thinks slavery is not necessarily un-Islamic. Or
take his other comment that Muslims should hate Christians from a Godly
point of view. The list can go on and on to illustrate why a youth born
into the 21st century may feel alienated by the whole religious establishment.
“Although the Islamist movement managed to reach power,
it has been unprecedentedly dethroned from the hearts of many
Egyptians,” so lamented Nageh Ibrahim the founder of Al-Gamaa
Al-Islamiya in a recent article in Al-Masry Al-Youm. Several other
preachers have said multiple times recently on TV that Al-Da’wa, or
proselytising for Islam, has been losing a lot of credibility as a
result of politics.
The issue of rising religious skepticism has been
noticed by many. It has taken space in much of the local press and
several opinion pieces. But it’s been petty stuff. Instead of defending
someone’s right to disbelieve, it’s being treated as a problem that
needs confrontation. Instead of presenting a seething critique of the
most backward and reactionary ideologies, a self-styled intelligentsia
is acquiescing to the Islamist framework in its weakest of times.
A growing generation of skeptics and atheists is
increasingly coming to the fore. They are regarding religion, in
practice, as at worst harmful and at best unnecessary.
Osama Dorra might be one example of a man who came out
with his views. But the numerous others that we know very closely in our
social circles prefer not to take the heat at the moment.
Islamists rising to power has not yielded their
much-awaited fantasised moment of everything-turning-Islamic. Instead,
it’s contributing to an unprecedented wave of skepticism, social
secularisation and atheism. Young people feeling alienated by every
Friday sermon that lacks substance or labels all non-Islamists as
heretics and un-Egyptian are moving away from religion and “flying high
“The Arab Spring has shaken our confidence in everything
that preceded the revolution. And it has become clear that all the
fundamental assumptions our life was based on were not completely
sound,” wrote Dorra.
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