The F-18 launched from the USS George H.W. Bush in the Mediterranean Sea near Israel and shot down a Syrian SU-22 fighter over Syrian territory. This is the first time the U.S. has engaged in an air-to-air shoot-down since the U.S. attack on Yugoslavia in 1999.
In response to the U.S. attack, the Russians have suspended the use of the military hotline and announced that they will view all unidentified aircraft operating in the vicinity of Russian military aircraft as potential targets.
Paul is mystified by the Trump administration’s actions.
“The U.S. claims the attack was in self-defense, that the Syrian jet was threatening U.S.-backed rebel forces in the area,” he said in an emailed statement. “That claim has been debunked by even the pro-rebel Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.”
The shoot-down of the Syrian plane is the latest in a pattern of military actions against the regime of President Bashar Assad.
“This marks the fourth recent U.S. attack on Syrian government forces as they engage ISIS in attempt to eject the terrorists from eastern Syria,” Paul continued. “Each time, U.S. intervention has benefited ISIS.”
Paul put forth similar criticisms in a June 16 column titled “Why are we attacking the Syrians who are fighting ISIS.”
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