A discovery a year ago in Japan continues to confound scientists: "If
every school kid understood how that little thing works, the whole
paradigm of evolutionary thought would have to change."

believe human beings evolved from a single-celled creature, which
gradually becoming more and more complex over a vast time span. But what
if the oldest single-celled bacteria ever found contained intricate,
synchronized motors more complex than a Boeing 747?
(Graphic: Seven motor, 24 gear MO-1 bacterium/via God Reports)
November, 2012, two scientific groups from Osaka University in Japan
and Aix-Marseille Université in France made a startling discovery.
They set out to uncover the power behind the
tiny tails (flagella) that allowed the MO-1 marine bacterium to swim.
Using electron cryotomography—an electron microscope and very cold
temperatures—they found this "simple" creature's tails are powered by
seven motors, arranged in a hexagonal array, with all gears interacting
with 24 smaller gears between them.
"This is the earliest bacteria ever found,"
says Mark Rose, founder of Genesis Alive. "They found it in rock they
claim is three billion years old," he notes. "That means it's the
oldest, most complete single cell."
"The seven tails (flagella) rotate one way,
and the smaller gears rotate the opposite way to maximize torque while
minimizing friction," Rose notes.
These gears or bearings enable the flagella
to spin very fast—so the MO-1 can swim ten times faster than E. coli
and Salmonella. Some have referred to this as "the Ferrari of flagella,"
due to its speed and advanced design.
"This discovery baffled the microbiological
world with its uncanny complexity," Rose notes. "Think of it, not one
but seven proton synchronized motors interconnected with a planetary

seven flagella propellers are inter-linked for minimum drag profile and
maximum thrust by using 24 gears and a sheath, similar to modern
aircraft and mufti-engine helicopters!"
(Graphic: Seven tails-flagella-in yellow/via God Reports)
"It actually has gears and it keeps all
seven motors synchronized," he notes. "Typically, any geared engines
have no more than two motors. The best we could do in a helicopter is
three engines and a multiple gear box to sync the engines."
"If every school kid understood how that little thing works, the whole paradigm of evolutionary thought would have to change."
Rose observes the axial proton motor is
almost identical to modern AC (alternating current) brushless motors.
"It has no wires, bearings or metal, and is 1/200,000 smaller than man's
best device."
"The motors can drive the MO-1 bacteria at
relative speeds of 100 body lengths/second. A Cheetah achieves a land
speed of only 25 body lengths/second in comparison and that's in air,
not fluid!" he says.
This "simple" bacterium has nearly the same
number of parts as a Boeing 747—six million—which like the aircraft,
work together perfectly. But these parts allow the bacterium to do
something the 747 can't do—multiply itself. Note, the MO-1 bacterium
has three more motors than the Boeing model.
Well-known evolutionist, Dr. Francisco
Ayala of UC Irvine, has calculated the odds of human beings evolving
from a single bacterium to be 1 in 10 to the 1 millionth power. However,
three physicists, John Barrow, Brandon Carter and Frank Tipler,
reexamined his data and said he overlooked several critical factors.
They stated the odds at 1 in 10 to the 24 millionth power.
But according to probability theorists, any
event with lower odds than 1 in 10 to the 50th power is considered
mathematically impossible.
Continued, here.