Will Morales spent his teen years and most of his adult life trying to escape the pain he suffered from an abusive father.
He said, “My relationship with my dad, I started to hate my dad. It was a hate and love relationship, for many years.”
Alcohol, drugs, and sex helped him cope, but it was never enough.
“I was running from my issues,” He said. “I got me to a
very depressive state of mind. There was no meaning, no purpose. Deep
within my soul there was this deep emptiness, this deep hole that
couldn’t be filled. The women the drugs the life, it was- nothing could
fill that. It was temporary satisfaction.”
As a child, he had often gone to church with his mother. Now
that he was an adult, he thought returning might solve his problems.
“And the Lord spoke to me in that sermon so vividly it was
like he was talking to me,” he said. I embraced Christ that day. It
was the first time I actually made Christ my personal savior. It was a
liberating feeling. I felt forgiven. I felt a peace that I’d never felt
before. And it was beautiful.”
During that time, he was reunited with his high school
sweetheart, Denise. She was also a Christian. They fell in love, and
soon, they married and started a family.
“Things started off great,” he said. “And life was good at
the beginning. But marriage… I didn’t understand marriage. I was still
very immature, and marriage was a lot of work. I felt this great
pressure where I just wasn’t the Christian I should have been.”
Little by little, their relationship began to erode.
“We began to part ways as far as emotionally, “ he said.
“We wouldn’t read the bible together. We hardly ever prayed together No
intimacy. Our intimacy life died and that led me to go on to sites that
I didn’t even know existed. Led to cyber chat lines with other
females, cybersex that was there, pornography started to take control
of my life. It was that lifestyle that I began to live, which is a
double life. And after that it took not even a year before I was
finding gratification in other things instead of my wife and my family.
And I said I need to leave.”
Then, he started sleeping with other women. Eventually, Will
thought it was time to leave, and deserted his family. He went back to
his familiar routing of drugs, alcohol and women.
“I was such a mess with relationships. I had multiple
relationship, he said.” I was dealing in the nightclubs and the strip
clubs because I was empty, empty, empty. My life had become so
unmanageable and I was powerless over my life.”
One day while driving, voices started taunting him.
“Voices began to hover me like bees, he said. “Just saying
all kinds of voices from ‘You’re a loser’ to ‘God doesn’t love you.’
As he sat at an intersection, they urged him to run the light and slam into an oncoming car.
“[They said] Come on, just hit the car. You will see this
will all disappear,” he said. “And the car got closer and the voices
intensified and that’s when I decided to say, and cry out to God and
say, ‘If you’re really out there God, are you willing to help me? I need
you! Help me! And no longer than I said that, a second didn’t go by, I
heard a voice speak to my soul clearly, “You are not a quitter.”
Telling me, “I’m here. That’s all I needed you to do is cry for help.”
Will pulled over.
He said, “I began to cry and praise him like I had forgotten
to praise him years ago. It’s like the joy of my salvation was coming
back. “
Afterward, will wanted to be free once and for all from his
addictions. He could only remember one thing that would help- prayer.
He asked his family to pray for him.
“As they prayed over me, I began to repent, he said. “It felt like
this freedom I had never experienced in my life. I felt like a new me, a
revival. I felt liberty in Christ. I felt this weight of letting all
my shame out, all my skeletons and my baggage had to come out.”
Through God’s grace and forgiveness, Will says he was able to
quit using drugs and alcohol. And after 3 years, Will reunited with
his wife and children. He has also reconciled with his father.
“My family, my children saw the power of forgiveness, how
God can restore brokenness, Will said. “The worst things we can make,
he can patch it back together one day at a time, one stitch at a time
it’s like my life was a broken puzzle and everything just fell apart
and it was shattered and pieced everywhere.
And day by day, day by day,
trusting in him, he’s putting the puzzle back together. And it’s just
beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty to see how God has restored my marriage
and then he has brought my children together and he’s given me things
that I never thought I’d have back. More importantly, my joy, my peace,
my love for him, my relationship with him is something that I just
treasure now. My God is an awesome God. And he’s a redeemer and I can’t
ever thank him enough.”